Category Archives: Videos

AM Middle School 12.04.2016

The Nativity Story

Each December, our middle school class watches a movie called The Nativity Story. It is a story which we all know so well. It’s the story of the birth of the Messiah, Jesus. I would encourage you to watch the edited, 16-minute version found below. Then, talk with your students about the reason for Christmas and what different traditions mean. God bless you this holiday season!

Christians never mess up, ever

So there’s this group (Blimey Cow) that makes awesome, hilarious, and almost always poignant youtube videos about being Christian in this world. Before you watch video below, though, make sure you look up the definition of satire before throwing around words like “heresy” and “form of… angry mob!” Enjoy!


The effects of bullying

This video is a masterpiece of spoken word and artistic realization. Shane Koyczan was bullied a lot when he was a kid. From his pain, he and a few others created what you see below. Warning: it will make your eyes water. It is powerful and inspiring.