AM High School 05.15.2016

Mark 12.30-31: Love your neighbor as yourself

This past Sunday, our high school students took a break from reading through Acts to look at our present culture. In the media, one issue seems to be making waves higher than all others: transgender rights. We talked a little bit about the bathroom debate, but mostly, we focused on the heart of the matter: how should we treat one another?

In Mark, Jesus makes waves among all those with whom he comes into contact. Most look upon him favorably, but there are others, the authorities, who want to trap him in heresy! They pose a seemingly simple, yet knowingly complex question, to which he actually gives the most beautiful response!

Essentially, Jesus tells the Jewish leaders that the most important and greatest thing anyone can do is love, both God and people. This was not only meant for their ears, but ours as well. As Christ-followers, we are to love. This means respect people, respect their opinions and beliefs, and also respect people enough to proclaim truth in an edifying way.

We aren’t called to belittle people, to argue with and call them names, or to condemn them. We are called to be there for them, to tell them about God’s grace and truth, and to show them a transformed life.

So, this week, I encourage you to speak with your students about the hot topics floating around the media. Be present for their questions and their thoughts. Understand that they live in a completely different world than you did (and possibly do). These are all important, but the most important thing you can do, however, is to pray for them and all the rest of our students. Have a great week!

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